Dr. Alexander Zelitchenko

This Info Page is to introduce myself and my work to you

                                       My books




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Moscow, 2006, Otkrytyy mir (Open World),

 ISBN 5-9743-0046-7

Light of Life, History of Humankind in Psychosphere of Earth

(or History and Developmental Psychology of Nations)

Vol. 1 Fundamental and Beginnings

Vol. 2 Our Era

Vol. 3 Search for the Sun in the Cloudy Sky

Other edition: CreateSpace, 2009


To buy in Ozon or in Amazon


 To read (in Russian)



Excerpts in English

Preface for English edition

Table from Chapter 5

From Chapter 3




          PSYROOTS is a very ambitious project with triune goal:

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Moscow, 2000, Transpersonal Institute Publishing House,

ISBN 5-88389-055-5

                                To read

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Writers Club Press, 2001, ISBN 0-595-19412-5

To buy     

To read excerpts (Conversations 1,14,16-18 completely, and 2,15,19 - fragments)


Bohmeier  Verlag, 2004,

ISBN 3-89094-403-5


To buy         To read about

        I.            Applied goal is to deepen understanding the reasons of conflicts between different cultures and different religions and to create new theoretical basis  for political science and practical policies;

      II.            Methodological goal  is to expand the scope of psychometric scales including non-homogeny, inner inconsistent scales corresponding to generalizing concepts, or, in other words, to bridge the gap between the methods of experimental psychology and ones of philosophy of psychology, philosophy of sociology and philosophy of history;

    III.            Philosophical goal is to bring together philosophy of science and new (or, more accurate, renewed) philosophy of religion.


To reach these goal the multinational, multi-confessional and multidisciplinary team is going to conduct the cross-cultural survey, where traditional measuring psychometric methodology are supplemented with the methods of disclosing latent structure of meaning-making relationships between the such “elements of mind” as values.



I never wrote about myself leaving readers to teach everything important on this important subject from my books. Indeed, it would be difficult for me to say more than I did already in the books. However, the genre of personal website demands from me to change this custom…     To read more



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Moscow, 1996, Transpersonal Institute Publishing House,

ISBN 5-88389-012-1

Psychology of dukhovnost (Psychology of spiritual life)

Vol. 1 Dukhovnost and Psychology

Vol.2 The work with dukhovnyy crisis






            To buy

            To read (in Russian)



To read excerpts from Psychology of dukhovnost in English

PsyXXI cover 7x5x150 copy.jpg

CreateSpace, 2009, ISBN: 1449563201

To buy

To read


  http://www.remtec.it/rivista/20-07-08/paestum_20832_turismoregionecampania.jpg       http://www.hp.uab.edu/image_archive/ulj/mosaic11.jpg        http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c8/Taj_Mahal_in_March_2004.jpg/300px-Taj_Mahal_in_March_2004.jpg         http://www.notredamedeparis.fr/local/cache-vignettes/L300xH313/arton383-58846.jpg        http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ea/Raffael_051.jpg       vopr-spect copy


                                          © Alexander Zelitchenko, 2009 - 2014  


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